THE Department of Water and Sanitation, through its entity, then the Umgeni Water Amanzi, has completed the upgrade of the Darvill Wastewater Treatment Works which treats domestic and industrial sewage from areas within the Msunduzi Local Municipality’s jurisdiction from the treatment capacity of 65 megalitres per day to 100 megalitres per day.
The Darvill Wastewater Treatment Works is the first of its kind – an innovative and ground-breaking project that has encompassed a pilot wastewater recycling plant. It is able to treat 2 megalitres per day of wastewater water to drinking water quality standards and it also has an electricity cogeneration capacity element.
The water treated to drinking standards is currently being used mainly for cleaning and sanitation purposes at the wastewater treatment site.
The Department is exploring the infrastructure further for cogeneration of electricity at the same Plant, using waste being treated there. This has the potential for the Plant to become self-sufficient for its electricity needs.
During the upgrade of the Plant, there were significant benefits for the local community with close to 400 jobs created in Pietermaritzburg and parts of the KwaZulu-Natal Midlands. Of significance is the improvement brought about by the works of the treatment plant, which has increased its capacity to treat wastewater to improve the quality of discharges into the river system, particularly the Msunduzi River, resulting in reduced levels of pollution.
The estimated number of people who are set to benefit directly from the upgrade of the Darvill wastewater treatment works is 700 000, through proper and effective effluent treatment.