TO drive home the contribution of domestic tyre manufacturing, the South African Tyre Manufacturers Conference (SATMC) was proud to unveil its new Homegrown #DrivingLocal initiative and logo at this year’s Naacam Show 2023.
Hosted by the National Association of Automotive Component and Allied Manufacturers, the Naacam Show provides a platform to showcase and celebrate the depth of South Africa’s manufacturing capability as key to the country’s industrial economy. It also advances knowledge and stimulates collaboration through networking, discussions, and showcases to shape the future of South Africa’s automotive component manufacturing sector.
The SATMC, in collaboration with member companies, Bridgestone Southern Africa, Continental Tyre South Africa, Goodyear South Africa, and Sumitomo Rubber South Africa, represented the tyre components industry.
SATMC managing executive, Nduduzo Chala, said, “The SATMC was proud to champion the ethos of homegrown manufacturing, in a competitive market where often global impact has a negative impact on locally manufactured goods. Despite the challenges, the local tyre industry remains an important economic contributor in South Africa, and collectively, our member companies employ more than 6,000 people directly and create indirect employment opportunities for more than 19,000 people. Additionally, the locally manufactured tyres comply with local safety tests and road conditions, ensuring the safety of millions of South Africans.”
SATMC’s Homegrown #DrivingLocal initiative aims to create awareness of locally manufactured tyres and inspire South Africans to support the local tyre industry.
Apart from the new logo unveiling, the SATMC played a key role in stimulating discussion around the automotive sector.
SATMC chairman Lubin Ozoux, was a panel member in the State of South Africa’s Automotive Component Manufacturing Sector and Future Prospects discussion. Influential panellists from the private and public sectors assessed the state of automotive component manufacturing under the Automotive Masterplan 2035 and delved into future expectations and opportunities.
“We are very proud to highlight the importance of manufacturing in the local economy and thank Naacam for the opportunity to support their Show. As the automotive industry, we all need to work together to grow this critical sector of our South African economy,” says Chala.
NAACAM CEO Renai Moothilal announced at the event that a consolidated R4.86 billion investment had been pledged between now and the end of 2024 by a group of 16 automotive component manufacturers comprising large multinational, domestic manufacturers, as well as emerging black industrialists. SATMC and member companies are among the 16 companies that have committed or planned investments, with a total employment impact of 10,004 jobs