MANOMETERS offer many benefits for engineers and technicians who need to measure and monitor pressure, but critical elements such as high accuracy, high-precision and ease of use, play a large role in the selection of the best-for-application device.
That’s according to Jan Grobler, Managing Director of GHM Messtechnik, South Africa, who believes this is where Greisinger’s investment into design and development puts them in the lead over competing handheld manometers.
Greisinger, part of the GHM Group of Companies, recently launched their new handheld and fine handheld manometers, the G 1113 series G 1107 respectively, both of which claim to offer superior, faster performance, higher accuracy with high resolution and position independency, when measuring differential and relative pressure.
Grobler said the two models also offer universal port technology, above-average battery life and robust housing with a practical and user-friendly design.
“Since even the smallest deviations can lead to malfunctions, reliably measured values are enormously important and not just for sophisticated heater systems.
“The G 1107 fine manometer and the G 1113 manometer can also be used to measure other leakage, gas pressure, gas flow or chimney draft measurements as the outstanding accuracy of these new devices, coupled with the high resolution and fast measuring frequency, guarantee efficient results that improve operational safety and practical handling” said Grobler.
At the heart of the manometer is the chip-based MEMS sensor, which provides reliable results for calibrated and traceable measurements. The G 1107 covers a high-resolution range of up to +/- 200 hPa/20 kPa, whilst the G 1113 provides equally precise differential pressure measurements of up to +/- 2000 hPa. There is also a switchable FINE-Function which enhances the resolution to 0.1 Pa (G11107) or 1 Pa (G113).
“In addition to the new specified features, the new universal pressure connection concept on G 1/8-inch basis offers so many connection possibilities that on-site service technicians will find the devices hugely beneficial. The performance offered is off the highest possible standard, delivering the most reliable ratios of accuracy available,” Grobler said.