THE Pinetown branch of First Cut, a leading South African provider of cutting, welding and grinding consumables and equipment, has seen substantial benefits from its move into new premises. These include increased sales, significantly improved space and other attendant benefits.
So says First Cut’s sales director Stuart Beck. He explains: “The move late in 2021 to bigger and better premises in Westmead – a big industrial hub outside Durban – has proven extremely beneficial in numerous ways. We have seen increased sales since we moved, which can be attributed to aspects such as greatly improved visibility, access and facilities – all of which have definitely benefitted employees, business partners and customers.”
Location is critically important for any property, notes Beck, adding that the venue’s strategic location just off the N3, the main national route into Durban, is convenient for suppliers and customers.
“The high visibility and positioning of the current premises makes it very convenient and accessible for customers,” he says, “while our parking facilities have also dramatically improved. Now, we are able to offer our customers safe, secure parking in a gated area that is sufficient for all visitors at any time.”
Inside, explains Beck, the available workspace has increased substantially. “As a result, this has allowed us to increase and improve our reception and office space and our product display and demonstration area,” he says.
“Our machines and consumables are on full display, and from the moment customers park their vehicles and walk into our premises, their experience is easy, efficient and welcoming.”
Beck adds that the number of welding sales opportunities at the Pinetown branch has increased ‘phenomenally’, adding: “Our year-on-year sales of welding consumables have been excellent, and all divisions have performed very well. At the same time, the collaboration with our subsidiary Gas Safety International (GSI), which provides certified training, is an excellent fit with the company’s overall operational mantra of ‘safety first’.”
Finally, concludes Beck, the feedback from customers on the new premises has been overwhelmingly positive, and this is also reflected in the year-on-year results overall: “There is no doubt that the Pinetown branch has triumphed over the past two years in sometimes very challenging circumstances – from the global pandemic to the devastating floods in KwaZulu-Natal. However, the team persevered and successfully overcame all obstacles, growing and achieving impressive sales accordingly. I believe the new location has definitely positively contributed to this success, and we look forward to seeing this branch go from strength to strength in the future!”